The best place to launch anything is from a solid foundation. So, we would like to launch this blog site congruent with our philosophy and share with you exactly who PTA Global really is. The answer lies in the overlooked details, which we will reveal for you here. It is our sincere hope that you will 1) see that there is far more to PTA Global than meets the eye or ear and 2) that you will join us in our journey.
PTA Global stands for Personal Training Academy Global and it is within this name that our 'personage' surfaces. By defining our terms - a theme, habit and philosophy of ours - we believe information can be transferred more effectively and result in true communication. Let's start by defining each term in our name and see what unfolds...
Personal - Concerning a particular person and his or her private business, interests, or activities; intimate
Training - the process of bringing a person to an agreed standard of proficiency by practice and instruction
Academy - a society of learned persons organized to advance art, science, or literature
Global - Worldwide; Comprehensive
PTA Global, true to our name, is establishing and promoting an intimate process focused on bringing you, via a society of learned persons, to a new level that is organized to advance our industry on a comprehensive worldwide scale. Call it "unity" if you will.
We claim to be a "Leader in Professional Fitness Development" by way of our tagline, but this should mean absolutely nothing to you until you first understand the above paragraph - who we are and why we exist. Now that you know this, what does being a "Leader in Professional Fitness Development" mean for?
When looking at definitions of 'leader' you will quickly see that the theme is that of someone in 'control' or 'command' or who is the 'head' of a movement or group. You may also see the definitions that use the terms 'guide' or 'director'. All in all, the underlying message is often one of a person who is 'the boss'. This may all be well and true to an extent, however, at PTA Global we view a leader as someone who is capable of drawing out in others through encouragement and servitude what others cannot or will not draw out of themselves.
We believe a true leader is one who serves others by providing guidance and a means to derive performance driven solutions for the challenges they face. In order to genuinely accomplish this task, a leader must have served and fought in the same battles. PTA Global is a society of learned persons who have extensive experience as owners, operators, managers, trainers, educators, inventors and enthusiasts just like you. We know the challenges you have and will face. We know the pitfalls that can and will come. We have seen and survived the real world issues and come out on the other side with solutions we are seeing revolutionize the industry globally.
The term 'professional' is defined as relating to, or characteristic of a profession or career; having or showing great skill; expert. We firmly believe that this industry needs to affirm to its constituents that there is a viable career waiting for them. PTA Global will 'lead' - encourage and serve you - by providing viable performance driven solutions and guidance to overcome your challenges so you can begin, maintain and grow as a skilled expert in a true occupation.
A play on words here.. "fitness" relates to the self-imposed name of the industry in which we operate, but it also means 'suitability' and/or 'appropriateness'. PTA global is leading you with appropriate skilled and expert leadership to meet you where you need to be met in order to do what you need to do.
The process of growing or progressing. Isn't that what this is all about? Avoiding stagnation and growing your career, business and the industry...?
As a "Leader in Professional Fitness Development", PTA Global is unique because we boldly proclaim to encourage and serve you, providing real-world performance driven solutions to enhance your skill sets and expertise that are appropriate for this industry to ensure your continual growth and progression.
We simply want to unite this industry to advance it beyond where it thinks it can go and provide you with a means to stay in it as long as you want. Any takers?
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